.. include:: ../_resources.rst .. _setup-arch-linux: ################### Setup on Arch Linux ################### ******* Preface ******* This part of the documentation covers the installation of Kotori and the whole software stack for telemetry data acquisition, processing and visualization on an Arch Linux system. The first step to using any software package is getting it properly installed. Please read this section carefully. After successfully installing the software, you might want to follow up with its configuration at :ref:`getting-started`. ************ Introduction ************ Kotori is not available as an Arch User Repository (AUR) package yet. So, the installation will use Python's ``pip`` installer to install the Python package from PyPI. However, all foundation packages are natively available as Arch Linux packages. ************ Installation ************ Prerequisites ============= Install Mosquitto, InfluxDB and Grafana:: pacman -Sy mosquitto influxdb grafana MongoDB is provided through the Arch User Repository (AUR):: # Install Git in order to touch AUR pacman -Sy git # Install MongoDB daemon git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/mongodb-bin cd mongodb-bin makepkg -si # Install MongoDB tools git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/mongodb-tools-bin cd mongodb-tools-bin makepkg -si Kotori ====== :: # Install Python and pip pacman -Sy python python-pip # Install Kotori pip install --user kotori Testdrive:: kotori --version