.. include:: ../../_resources.rst .. _application-mqttkit: ################### MQTTKit application ################### ***** About ***** A generic distributed monitoring platform for collecting sensor data in wide area network setups and multi-node, multi-sensor environments ¹. It emphasizes MQTT as communication protocol and JSON as data serialization format but implements different other protocols and formats. ************* Configuration ************* .. highlight:: ini Application section =================== The core of each data acquisition application is its configuration object. The file :download:`etc/examples/mqttkit.ini <../../_static/content/etc/examples/mqttkit.ini>` can be used as a configuration blueprint. This configuration snippet will create an application object defined as ``[mqttkit-1]``. .. literalinclude:: ../../_static/content/etc/examples/mqttkit.ini :language: ini :linenos: :lines: 1-16 :emphasize-lines: 10-15 Multiple MQTT brokers ===================== It is possible to make Kotori connect to an individual MQTT broker per application. On behalf of this example, you would create a separate configuration section ``[mqttkit-1:mqtt]``, where ``mqttkit-1`` reflects the value of the ``realm`` attribute of the main application settings section. .. literalinclude:: ../../_static/content/etc/examples/mqttkit.ini :language: ini :linenos: :lines: 10-30 :emphasize-lines: 4,14-21 ********** Addressing ********** Wide channel ============ To successfully publish data to the platform, you should get familiar with the MQTTKit addressing scheme. We call it the »quadruple hierarchy strategy« and it is reflected on the mqtt bus topic topology. The topology hierarchy is made up of four identifiers:: realm / network / gateway / node The ``realm`` will be configured within the server configuration file while all other parameters designate the data acquisition channel and can be assigned by the user. The topology identifiers are specified as: - "realm" is the designated root realm. You should prefix the topic name with this label when opting in for all features of the telemetry platform. - "network" is your personal realm, it designates the **owner**. Choose anything you like or use an `Online UUID Generator `_ to gain maximum uniqueness. - "gateway" is your gateway identifier, it designates a sensor node **location** or **group**. Choose anything you like. - "node" is your **node identifier**. Choose anything you like. This usually gets transmitted from a sensor device. In the following examples, this topology address will be encoded into the variable ``CHANNEL``. Direct channel ============== When using the :ref:`hiveeyes-arduino:sensorwan-direct-addressing` scheme of :ref:`hiveeyes-arduino:sensorwan`, it is possible to detour from the "wide" addressing scheme, and submit data "directly" to a channel address like ``mqttkit-1/channel/--`` instead. In order to restrict access to that addressing flavour to specific networks/owners only, you can use the ``direct_channel_allowed_networks`` configuration setting, where you can enumerate network/owner path components, which are allowed to submit data on their corresponding channel groups. .. literalinclude:: ../../_static/content/etc/examples/mqttkit.ini :language: ini :linenos: :lines: 20-21 For all others, access will be rejected by raising an ``ChannelAccessDenied`` exception. Direct device ============= The :ref:`hiveeyes-arduino:sensorwan-direct-addressing` scheme also allows you to address channels by device identifiers only, also detouring from the "wide" addressing scheme. | An example for a corresponding channel address, identifying devices by `UUID`_, would be | ``mqttkit-1/device/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000``. ************ Sending data ************ In the following examples, the topology address will be encoded into the variable ``CHANNEL``. .. highlight:: bash :: # Define channel and data. CHANNEL=mqttkit-1/testdrive/foobar/42 DATA='{"temperature": 42.84, "humidity": 83.1}' # Publish telemetry data to MQTT topic. echo "$DATA" | mosquitto_pub -t $CHANNEL/data.json -l When using the "direct channel" addressing scheme, those invocations would address the same channel as in the previous example:: CHANNEL=mqttkit-1/channel/testdrive-foobar-42 echo "$DATA" | mosquitto_pub -t $CHANNEL/data.json -l ************** Receiving data ************** .. highlight:: bash :: # Receive telemetry data by subscribing to MQTT topic mosquitto_sub -t mqttkit-1/# ---- | ¹ The design of MQTTKit is derived from vendor :ref:`vendor-hiveeyes`.