.. include:: ../_resources.rst .. _mqtt-libraries: ############## MQTT libraries ############## ****** Python ****** - `paho-mqtt`_, the MQTT Python client library of the `Eclipse Paho`_ project. - For an example, see the :ref:`basic MQTT example in Python `. *********** MicroPython *********** - https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib/blob/master/micropython/umqtt.simple/umqtt/simple.py - See also :ref:`MQTT with MicroPython `. *********** C++/Arduino *********** General ======= - `Arduino Client for MQTT`_ by `Nick O'Leary`_ - `Adafruit MQTT Library`_ from Adafruit_ ESP8266 ======= - `esp_mqtt`_, the `Native MQTT client library for ESP8266`_ by Tuan PM - `async-mqtt-client`_ by `Marvin Roger`_ - See also :ref:`daq-arduino-esp8266`. ******* ARMmbed ******* - The `ARMmbed MQTT library`_, a port of the `Eclipse Paho Embedded MQTT C/C++ Client Libraries`_. - `ARMmbed ESP8266 MQTT example`_